La Parapharmacie
FCS-II Herbal Combination for balance of female reproductive system.
Fem Prenatal Gentle Vitamin & Mineral Support for Pregnant Women
Fenugreek Helps promote milk secretion and as supportive therapy for the promotion of healthy glucose levels.
Fenugreek Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a galactagogue/lactagogue to help promote milk production/secretion and as a supportive therapy for the promotion of healthy glucose levels.
Fenugreek - Blessed Thistle Herbal Capsules Used in Herbal Medicine: as a nutritive tonic; as a galactagogue to help promote milk secretion; as supportive therapy for the promotion of healthy glucose levels; to help reduce elevated blood lipid levels (hyperlipidemia).
Fenugreek 500 mg Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a lactagogue to help promote milk production/secretion.
Fenugreek Seed 500 mg <h2>Digestive tonic to support digestion and as an expectorant to help relieve catarrh of the upper respiratory passages.</h2>
Floravit (Yeast-Free) Helps to prevent iron deficiency (anemia) and to maintain good health. Assists the formation of red blood cells and their proper functions.
Folic Acid - 1 mg Prevents neural tube defects, helps the production of red blood cells and promotes the maintenance of good health .
Folic Acid ( 1mg women sisu) <div>Helps to produce red blood cells and maintain good health. <br />Helps to prevent neural tube defects when taken prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy.</div>
Fountain of Life Tea Used in Herbal Medicine as a galactagogue/lactagogue to help promote milk production/secretion.
Herbal Extract Iron Tablets Floradix Helps to form red blood cells and helps in their proper function. Assists the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.