Referred by Breton, Maryline , Naturopathe
La Parapharmacie
Organic Estomix (MT)
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Product Details

Used traditionally in Western herbalism as a bitter tonic, digestive aid, to treat digestive disorders and relieve nausea.


Each ml of Estomix contains: 
- Dandelion fresh org. roots Taraxacum officinale - Blessed thistle fresh org. leaves and flowers Cnicus benedictus - Raspberry fresh org. leaves Rubus idaeus - Gentian dried org. roots Gentiana lutea - Cramp bark dried org. bark Viburnum opulus - Fennel dried org. seeds Foeniculum vulgare - Licorice dried org. roots Glyccyrrhiza glabra

Non-medicinal ingredient: 50% organic alcohol.

Suggested Use

2 ml (40 drops), twice daily, before or after meals


  • Consult a health care specialist if symptoms persist.
  • Avoid using with all prescription drugs. Do not use if pregnant, breastfeeding or have impaired liver function.
  • Do not use if hypersensitive to plants from the Asteraceae or Apiaceae family.


    Medical ingredients