La Parapharmacie
Strontium (citrate)
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Product Details

Strontium supports healthy osteoblast differentiation and helps to keep osteoclast activity in balance. Additionally, strontium supplementation supports healthy collagen formation by osteoblasts, enhancing bone tensile strength. In a multi-national, prospective two-year placebo controlled trial with 353 women, strontium supplementation maintained healthy vertebrae integrity as well as healthy bone mineralization. A three-year placebo-controlled, double blind study with 1,649 postmenopausal women, indicated that a strontium salt supported healthy vertebrae composition and was well tolerated. In a preliminary analysis of a three-year placebo-controlled, double blind study of 5,091 postmenopausal women, strontium supplementation promoted healthy hip bones.

Each vegetable capsule contains

  • Strontium (citrate) (227 mg)
  • Ascorbyl palmitate (fat-soluble vitamin C) (20 mg)
  • (hypo-allergenic plant fiber added to complete capsule volume requirement)

Suggested Use

Pure Encapsulations recommends 1–3 capsules per day, in divided doses, with or between meals, away from calcium-containing foods or supplements.


Since strontium is absorbed using calcium transport mechanisms, strontium supplements should not be taken at the same time as calcium supplements or calcium-containing foods. While supplementing with strontium, adequate calcium intake should be maintained. Strontium supplementation may be contraindicated for individuals with impaired renal function as altered excretion may have an effect on strontium accumulation and bone deposition characteristics. If pregnant or lactating, consult your physician before taking this product. At this time, there are no known adverse reactions when taken in conjunction with medications.


    Medical ingredients