La Parapharmacie
AHCC Improves defenses against abnormal cellular growth and enhances immune cell production. Helps control infections and protect the liver.
All-Life Colostrum (lactose free) Helps fight disease, infection and delivers compounds for a strong immune system. Harmonizes the immune system to avoid autoimmune disease.
Arthro Organotherapy and homeopathic preparation / Supports Joint issues from an Auto-immune perspective
Betula Pubescens Decalcification, osteoarthritis.
Betula sp. (alba & verrucosa) - Birch (buds) - G33 Individual mother-macerates - each extract contains all the attributes of a single bud
Betula verrucosa - Silver Birch (sap) HerbalGem - Gemmothérapie concentrated organic
Bronchix (MT) Used to treat coughs and respiratory tract infections.
C Herbaplex <br /><ul><li>Plays an essential role in immune system function. </li><li>Helps manage stress. </li><li>Protects the body from damaging effects of free radicals. </li><li>Essential nutrient in the formation of connective tissue, including teeth, gums, cartilage, bones and muscles. </li><li>Prepared in a herbal.</li></ul>
Clove Bud Eugenia caryophyllus
Colostrum (Powder) Our Colostrum has a high immunoglobulin content for a strong immune system.
Colostrum 570 mg Our Colostrum has a 30% immunoglobulin content for a strong immune system.