La Parapharmacie
Neptune Krill Oil Support brain function, anti-inflammatory agent, contribute to general health.
Neroli 5% (Orange Blossom) Citrus aurantium ssp amara
Nervaherb - - Provides isovaleric acid, the effect is soothing and sedative.  - Provides tonic and relaxing properties on the nervous system.
Nerval Tonic Tea Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to relieve symptoms associated with nervousness such as restlessness, flatulent dyspepsia and headaches.
NeuroCalm Helps to temporarily support relaxation.
Neurogen Cognition Helps to support cognitive health and brain function, reduce fatigue and improve the psychological effects of stress on mood.
Neurolink Use as a sleep aid and to temporarily promote relaxation.
Neuromega Cranberry/Raspberry High content of DHA for depression and cognitive impairment.
Neuromega Kids Helps support cognitive health and brain function.
NuSera Helps to temporarily reduce stress symptoms.
Oak Exhaustion, overwork, workaholic, fatigued, over-achiever
Oat Combination For nervous conditions, such as tension, anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, inability to concentrate and short-term memory loss