La Parapharmacie
TAD+ Indicated for symptoms associated with stress and adrenal exhaustion.
TADS For fatigue, insomnia, hypoglycemia, asthma and eczema; and for providing support to the adrenal glands during prolonged periods of stress
Theanine Amino acid from tea for enhanced relaxation.
Theanine with Green Tea Reduces stress and anxiety without causing drowsiness. Alleviates symptoms of PMS. Strengthens the immune system. Lowers blood pressure. 
Tilia Tomentosa Nerve sedative, migraine headaches.
TiliaCalm Kids Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve mild digestive disturbances. Used in Herbal Medicine as a calmative and/or sleep aid.
TMG Raw glandular tissues rich in biologically-active proteins, hormones and nucleic acids for the proper functioning of the glandular system
TO-GEM – Complex Complex gemmotherapy - harmonious combinations of diverses mother-macerates
TPIN Indiqué pour les troubles nerveux , de l'humeur, et les conditions associées au décalage horaire, au trouble de déficit de l'attention au stress et à la fatigue.
Tran-Q Traditionally used in Chinese Medicine to quiet the heart and calm the spirit.
Trancor Glutamate & GABA Balance for Relaxation
Tranquil Sleep (softgels) Helps relieve mild insomnia and calms nervousness