La Parapharmacie
Gotu Kola Used in Herbal Medicine as a calmative for restlessness and nervousness; and as a tonic for the mind and to improve memory.
Gotu Kola Certified Organic 500 Mg Stimulates the central nervous system, aids in the elimination of excess fluids, decreases fatigue, and increases sex drive.
Inositol Helps deal with mental disorders and helps regulate brain signalling systems. Helps the body metabolize fats.
Inositol Powder Helps deal with mental disorders and help regulate brain signalling systems. Helps the body metabolize fats.
Kama Used in general weaknessand to help improve mental or physical performance.
Korean Red Ginseng - Liquid Extract Supports cognitive function, reduces mental fatigue, and enhances physical performance.
L-Tyrosine Required for the synthesis of essential hormones and neurotransmitters. Enhances cognitive function and improves alertness.
L-Tyrosine 500 mg A precursor of neurotransmitters important in the brain. It also supports sex drive, withdrawal and protects against ultraviolet light.
Learning Factors with pea protein (wild berries flavour) Provides better transmission of brain signals and nerve necessary cognitive skills and learning. Improves mood.
Lecithin 1200 mg Lecithin aids liver function, may lower cholesterol levels, and may prevent the formation of kidney and gallstones.
Lion’s Mane (400 mg) OLD Beyond memory support. Potent enhancer of cognitive function
Magnesium Formula Plant Plants 100% non-irradiated without EtO