La Parapharmacie
Rhodiola An important stress-relieving botanical.
Rhodiola 500 mg To increase resistance to a variety of chemical, biological and physical stressors.
Rhodiola Extract Helps mental fatigue and stamina.
Rhodiola Liquid Herb Supports mental performance.
Rhodiola Rosea with Ginseng Used in Herbal medicine to help enhance physical capacity and performance in cases of physical stress.
Rhodiola Stress Caps Comprehensive stress protection while decreasing mental fatigue and improving both mental and physical performance.
Rosemary - Camphor Rosmarinus officinalis camphoriferum
Rosemary - Cineole Type Rosmarinus officinalis cineoliferum
Rosemary - Verbenone type Rosmarinus officinalis verbenoniferum
Siberian Ginseng Enhances mental and physical performance.
Siberian Ginseng tincture ##### Benefits - Helps the body to deal with abnormal physical stress - Rebalances the energies of the body - Stimulates the immune system - Promotes healthy glucose levels - Acts as a tonic ##### Features - Made from organic and wildcrafted herbs - Therapeutic dose of condition-specific herbs - Tinctures are rapidly absorbed and metabolized – absorption begins in the mouth, allowing the body to absorb up to 98% of the medicinal components - Large 100ml bottle size offers great value