La Parapharmacie
Ear Helps maintain the integrity of the external ear.
Echinaforce Extra Strength Hot Drink Remedy your cold naturally with Echinacea purpurea and Elderberry
Elm For the person who feels overwhelmed by responsibilities, discouraged, exhausted.
Equipause (Equifem) Hot flashes of menopause, when estrogen ovarian function becomes irregular .
Erpalt Recommended for cold sores (herpes labialis). Can also improve genital herpes.
Execalm Cream Moisturizing cream ideal for dry skin and irritations.
Febriplex Fever, influenza.
Fem + Homeopathic remedy - Balancing & support of the female hormonal system
Ferrum Phosphoricum 12X Infections, nephritis.
Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X Infections, nephritis.
Fertilaide Acts on infertility symptoms