La Parapharmacie
Veinox For venous and capillary fragility, rosacea, mild hypertension, cyanosis of the extremities.
Vertigopas Vertigo.
Vervain Over-enthusiasm, hyper-active, fanatical, highly strung
Vessinol Recommended in the case of occasional or chronic cystitis, cystitis before or during menstruation.
Vessiprost Prostatitis, trouble urinating, prostate enlargement, pain aggravated urination at night, frequent urination.
Vine Domineering, inflexible, very capable, gifted, bullying, aggressive
Viola Tricolor Similiaplex Homeopathic remedy.
Visuex Recommended in cases of eye disorders.
Vitalaide Fights against fatigue and asthenia
Vitex Agnus castus Homeopathic remedy
Walnut Change, link breaker, menopause, puberty, moving, let go of the past, protection
Water Violet Proud, aloof, lonely, anti-social, disdainful, condescending, self-reliant, private