La Parapharmacie
Tropical Colada Jazz up your favorite salad by adding Sea-licious Tropical Colada and receive your daily dose of omega-3 goodness.
Ultimate 3•6•9 Maintains heart health.
Ultimate fish oil for kids (orange) Ultimate Fish Oil for Kids is a high potency, multi-source fish oil supplement designed to help nourish a developing body and mind.
Ultimate fish oil for kids liquid (orange) Ultimate Fish Oil for Kids is a high potency, multi-source fish oil supplement designed to help nourish a developing body and mind.
Ultimate fish oil for women A foundational supplement designed to be taken on a daily ongoing basis.
Ultimate Omega Helps to support and maintain cardiovascular health and brain function. Promotes healthy mood balance.
Ultra EPA Or norvégien Helps lowering inflammation and triglycerides.
Ultra Omega-3 Helps to support healthy bones, joints, skin, heart, brain and overall immune support.
VeganDHA 200 mg <div>For those who embrace a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and who recognize the health benefits of DHA.</div>
Wholemega 500 mg Nature’s Profile of Seventeen Whole Omegas—3, 5, 6, 7, & 9’s - Extra-Virgin Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil.
Wild Omega 3 180 mg Epa 120 mg DHA Wild Omega 3 fish oil helps improve cognitive function, supports heart health and reduces inflammation.
Wild Omega 3 EPA 660 DHA 330 (lemon flavour)) Source of omega-3 fatty acids to help support cognitive health and brain function; to maintain cardiovascular health.