La Parapharmacie
Krill Ultra Cardiovascular health & systemic anti-inflammatory
Liquid omega 3 (orange flavor) Omega-3 fatty acids are integral to our health and well being – and are an important component of every cell in our body. Research has proven that Omega-3 from wild fish oils, like those in omega3 provide the best source of EPA and DHA for a healthier heart, brain, skin, mood, joints and more.  BENEFITS -------- - Cardiovascular Health - Skin Health - Mood & Cognitive Function FLAVOURS -------- - Orange
Marine Algae-3 OmegaFactors® Vegetarian Good source of essential fatty acids.
MorDHA Mini IQ For children 1 to 12 years old whose parents recognize the benefits of increased DHA to support the health and well-being of their child.
MorDHA Prenatal For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and recognize the distinct benefits of DHA for themselves and their children.
MorEPA Optimal AEP/ADH For concentration, mood and heart health.
Multi EFA For cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders, skin health, schizophrenia and premenstrual symptoms
Neptune Krill Oil Support brain function, anti-inflammatory agent, contribute to general health.
Neptune Krill Oil For the maintenance of good health, cholesterol management and pain associated with osteoarthritis.
Neuromega Kids Helps support cognitive health and brain function.
Norwegian Gold Critical Omega Critical Omega Norwegian Gold helps maintain maintain good overall health and support a healthy mood balance, cardiovascular health, brain function and cognitive health.