La Parapharmacie
VeganDHA 200 mg <div>For those who embrace a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and who recognize the health benefits of DHA.</div>
Wild Omega 3 180 mg Epa 120 mg DHA Wild Omega 3 fish oil helps improve cognitive function, supports heart health and reduces inflammation.
Wild Omega 3 EPA 660 DHA 330 (lemon flavour)) Source of omega-3 fatty acids to help support cognitive health and brain function; to maintain cardiovascular health.
Wild Omega 3 EPA 660 DHA 330 mg High potency Wild Omega 660:330 fish oil helps improve cognitive function, supports heart health and reduces inflammation.
Wild Salmon & Fish Oils OmegaFactors Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Women's Complete RxOmega-3 Promotes cardiovascular health and helps reduce serum triglycerides; promotes health and cognitive brain function.