La Parapharmacie
HMF Intensive 500 500 billion CFU per dose - highest concentration of CFU available in Canada.
HMF Maternity Support a healthy intestinal microflora
HMF Multi Strain Multi-strain probiotic formula to promote gastrointestinal health
HMF Multi Strain 100 Concentrated 14-strain probiotic combination.
HMF Multi Strain Powder Helps support gastrointestinal health.
HMF natogen Intestinal support
HMF neuro capsules The first probiotic specifically developed for gluten and casein intolerant people including: Autism, ADHD, and Celiac disease.
HMF neuro powder The first probiotic specifically developed for gluten and casein intolerant people including: Autism, ADHD, and Celiac
HMF powder Powerful probiotics for relief of intestinal health problems
HMF replenish (capsules) Reduce symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), prevents intestinal microflora disruption post antibiotics and diarrhoea
HMF Replete For diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, to improve gut microbiota and immune response
HMF super powder For relief of intestinal health problems