La Parapharmacie
Super Adult Probiotic Provides lives micro-organisms that form part of a natural healthy intestinal flora Formulated to meet the needs of adults aged 19 to 54.
Super Adult Probiotic Formulated to meet the needs of adults aged 19 to 54, provides 10 billion live micro-organisms per capsule at date of expiry.
Super Advanced Adult's Probiotic Special Probiotic Formula for Older Adults Formulated to meet the needs of adults aged 55 and over.
Super Advanced Adult's Probiotic Special Probiotic Formula for Older Adults Formulated to meet the needs of adults aged 55 and over.
Super Bifido Plus Probiotic Contains high concentrations of Bifidobacteria to provide maximum lower bowel.
Super Children’s Probiotic Udo's Choice® Provides live microorganisms that contributes to a healthy intestinal flora naturally. For children at least 4 years.
Super Toddler's Probiotic  It contains Bifidobacterium infantis, one of the most important microorganisms found in the large intestine of toddlers. 
The Gut-Brain Strain Helps support gastrointestinal health.
Ultimate Flora Colon Care - 80 billion For treating chronic intestinal ailments in both the small and large intestine, such as I.B.S. and Colitis, as well as those who suffer from chronic constipation and/or diarrhea.
Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic - 10 billion For the intestinal tract and colon of children.
Ultimate Flora Probiotic Plus Immune Support Helps reduce the incidence of cold-like symptoms in stressed adults.
Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent - 100 billion For those with severe digestive issues, those who have completed multiple rounds of antibiotics or for those who want to have the strongest probiotic available.