La Parapharmacie
Ki-Diab Down-regulates pathological mechanisms underway in the kidney and other tissues during times of diabetes, hypertension and post inflammatory states.
Ki-Ht Designed to attempt to increase the strength of the heart as well as helping to regulate arrhythmias.
Ki-Infla To down-regulate pathological mechanisms underway in the kidney and other tissues during times of chronic inflammatory states.
Ki-UB Nosode, Organotherpy & homeopathic preparation / Support & regeneration, urinary tract drainage
L-Vr Homeopathic remedy - Encourage healthy liver function, structure and cleansing
LaPara-Lymphatic drainer Homeopathic remedy
Larch Lack of confidence, depressed, discouraged, feeling of inferiority
Laxo-Plus To counteract chronic constipation.
Lobelia Plex Asthma, bronchial asthma.
Lymex Relieves insects bites effects
Lympatox Lymphatic drainer
Lymph 1 Homeopathic remedy - Encourage healthy lymphatic function and cleansing