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Herring Gold - 500 mg - sans OGM

60 capsules (gel)


Supports brain health, cognitive function, and cardiovascular health.


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Détails du produit

Usages & Benefits:

  • Supports brain health, cognitive function, and cardiovascular health
  • Helps relieve psoriasis and improve skin health
  • Provides more fast-absorbing DHA and EPA in phospholipid form than krill oil
  • Supplies the natural antioxidant astaxanthin and brain-beneficial choline


    Ingrédients médicinaux
  • ROMEGAMD 30 (extrait de rogue de hareng) (Clupea harengus) : 500 mg
  • Acide docosahexaénoïque (ADH) : 65 mg
  • Acide eicosapentaénoïque (AEP) : 50 mg
  • ADH sous forme de phospholipides : 39,5 mg
  • AEP sous forme de phospholipides : 15 mg
  • Choline (naturelle) : 20 mg
  • Astaxanthine (naturelle) (Haematococcus pluvialis) (entière) : 280 mcg