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Beet Essence

150 g

<div>GREEN FOODS' BEET ESSENCE IS A DELICIOUS AND NUTRIENT-DENSE SOLUBLE POWDER MADE FROM THE JUICE OF ORGANIC AND FRESH RED BEETS.<br /><br /><span></span><h3>FAST AND EASY TO USE</h3>Beet Essence™ is perfectly suited for modern day life - it’s portable and easy-to-use. It is a healthful way to boost your nutrition at any time with a sweet beet juice drink that can be made in seconds without the hassle and clean up that juicing requires.<h3>BIOAVAILABLE NUTRIENTS</h3><span>Juice powder, no fiber: Beet Essence is a juice extract, it does not contain indigestible fiber. By juicing fresh red beets and removing the indigestible fiber our bodies can more readily absorb and utilize the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants.</span><h3>ANTIOXIDANTS</h3>Beets are rich in antioxidants and contain a very unique blend not found in any other vegetable. They are a great source of vitamin C, manganese and the famous carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. This unique blend of antioxidants help to support healthy nerve tissue and eye health.†<h3>ANTI-INFLAMMATION</h3>Many of the phytonutrients found in beets, including betalains, may positively affect the body's ability to inhibit the activity of certain enzymes that trigger inflammation in the body. †<h3>DETOXIFICATION</h3>Our bodies are exposed to toxins on a daily basis and require extra detoxification support to be healthy. When our bodies are not able to get rid of toxins on their own, it can lead to many chronic conditions and diseases.During detoxification, our body goes through three different phases, the most important being phase two. In this phase, our cells neutralize the toxins by combining them with other nutrients and making them water-soluble for excretion. The betalain nutrients found in beets have been shown to support and trigger activity in this important phase of detoxification.<div><br /></div></div>

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Détails du produit

Beet Essence est une délicieuse poudre soluble de nutriments fait de jus bio de betteraves rouges.

  • Notre traitement spécial stabilise et protège les éléments nutritifs pour fournir à votre corps de nombreux avantages pour la santé dans une poudre simple et facile à utiliser.
  • Certifié biologique par Quality Assurance International (QAI).

Utilisation suggérée

Dissoudre 2 cuillères à café (5g) dans 6 à 8 onces d'eau ou dans votre jus préféré. Recommandé une fois ou deux fois par jour sur un estomac vide (20 minutes avant ou 2 heures après un repas).

Conservation: Conserver avec couvercle bien fermé dans un endroit frais et sec.


Poudre de jus de betterave bio, maltodextrine organique (un glucide complexe de tapioca).

Ne comprend pas: sucre, sel, colorants ou des charges, et est exempt de produits d'origine animale, gluten, soja, blé, levure, maïs et organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM).


Ne pas prendre avec des liquides chauds car la chaleur va neutraliser les enzymes actives.