La Parapharmacie
Relora For stress related weight control.
Relora Plus A proprietary blend of plant extracts from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense, with a mix of B vitamins.
Safflower CLA Assists in fat loss and promotes development of lean muscle.
SHAPESmart Green Coffe bee Bean Extract.
Slim-Pro Formula **Recommended Use:** Slim-Pro Formula™ helps support healthy blood sugar metabolism and aids in weight management when used along with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.
Slim-Tech Program - 1 kit Reduces body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Inhibits the conversion of sugars into fat. Decreases appetite and increase energy levels.
Slimmer System It helps curb apetite, helps burn fat and increases your metabolism.
SMILE 5-HTP Improves mood, sleep and reduces migraines.
Snack Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Mouthwatering, plant-based Vega Snack Bar