La Parapharmacie
PureGenomics Multivitamin Multivitamin/mineral complex targeting common genetic polymorphisms
RAW Iron™ Iron supplementation to prevent iron deficiency and anemia.
Red Clover Fine flavour which gives vegetable dishes a unique taste
Regeneration II Provides organic living multi-vitamin and minerals
Regeneration II (powder) Provides organic living multi-vitamin and minerals
RestorX Helps modify gut flare and support the thyroid.
Sacha Inchi Seeds A source of healthy Omega-3 polyunsaturated fat, Fiber and Iron.
Selenium 200 mcg Vital antioxidant with properties that may slow down the aging and deterioration of tissues caused by free radical damage.
Selenium 200 mcg An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.
Selenium 50 mcg Mineral supplement for the maintenance of health.
Shredded Coconut A source of Iron and Fiber.
Silvercillin Liquid A source of silver, a trace mineral.