La Parapharmacie
TA220XS Helps to control smoking desire
Thuja Similiaplex Homeopathic formula.
Thuyaplex Heals warts
ThyreXX Homeopathic remedy - Thyroid support, adaptogenic and nourishing
Tinniplex Relieves ears aches
Tobaccostop (Tobaccaid) Promotes weaning of smoking with significant addiction.
Tonsillopas For sore throat, tonsillitis, fever.
Top'mod Soir Helps counter cellulite, restructuring the connective tissue in the long term.
TPTP For proper glandular function, production of milk, improper thyroid and endocrine functions, weight gain or loss, fatigue and irritability
Transforming GF-y Help with symptoms of inflammation & regeneration.
Transportaise Counter motion sickness (boat , plane, car), altitude sickness , dizziness etc.
Traumacare Cream - 100 g Scientifically proven to relieve pain and swelling, Traumacare is suitable for the entire family and is a true alternative to conventional painkillers.