La Parapharmacie
IntesFib - berry flavour Relieves constipation and lowers cholesterol levels in those with high cholesterol. Excellent source of Fibre.
IntesFib - unflavored Relieves constipation and lowers cholesterol levels in those with high cholesterol. Excellent source of Fibre.
Intest-gen Intest-gen contributes to the normal function of the gastro-intestinal tract
Intestimed Intestinal disorders
IntestiNew Make your digestive tract feel like new! IntestiNEW helps to repair the intestinal tract lining and reduce inflammation that may occur in the intestinal tract. It should be used regularly by anyone suffering from Crohn’s disease and colitis, heartburn, candida, ulcers, leaky gut, or any other digestive upset.
LBT3 Beneficial effects on the digestive tract. Purifying or laxative. Acts on muscle tone of the intestinal wall. Without addiction.
Papaya Enzymes Chewable Promotes good digestion.
Peppermint Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to aid digestion (stomachic) and to relieve flatulent dyspepsia (carminative).
R37 R37
R37 JUNIOR R37 Junior
Rosmarinus Officinalis Hepatic insufficiencies, allergies.
Soothing Tea Tea used as a diuretic as a calmative to help relieve nervousness and restlessness to help relieve digestive disturbances including indigestion, bloating and flatulence