La Parapharmacie
EPA/DHA Omega-3 Supports cognitive and cardiovascular health.
Ginkgo - Liquid extract Helps enhance memory, circulation, and cognitive function.
Herring Gold 1000 mg Supports brain health, cognitive function, and cardiovascular health.
Korean Red Ginseng - Liquid Extract Supports cognitive function, reduces mental fatigue, and enhances physical performance.
Memory Boost Enhances memory and cognitive function.
Menopro Relieves symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause.
MetaKids DHA Supports brain, eyes, and nerves.
MetaKids Multi Soft Chew Helps to maintain immune and cognitive function.
Microhydrinase Pro Helps to protect the cell and reduce the cellular oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Mito-PQQ Helps support optimal mitochondrial biogenesis
NADH+ Increases brain cellular energy, improves memory and brain activity.
Neurogen Cognition Helps to support cognitive health and brain function, reduce fatigue and improve the psychological effects of stress on mood.