La Parapharmacie
Reishi Premium For heart health, stress, allergies, hay fever, insomnia, liver function, blood pressure and blood sugar.
Rhodiola For infections, physical endurance, concentration, nervous system, fatigue, stress, toxicity and adrenal function.
Selenium Selenium protects normal cell function by supporting the body’s natural defenses and scavenging harmful free radicals. 
Selenium with C &E A factor in the maintenance of healthy body cells and tissues. Acts as an antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.<br />
Shiitake 500mg Increases the activity of lymphocytes
Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia
Theanine with Green Tea Reduces stress and anxiety without causing drowsiness. Alleviates symptoms of PMS. Strengthens the immune system. Lowers blood pressure. 
Theracurmin Antioxidant that can reduce inflammation and risk factors for degenerative diseases.
Theracurmin™ 2X Helps relieve inflammation.
Thymus Gland Immunity - Thymus Gland (builds T-cells). Helps to maintain immune function.
Vitamin D3 Increases calcium absorption. Promotes normal development of bones and teeth. Supports the immune system.
Vitamin D3 1,000 IU Helps absorption of calcium and phosphorus.