La Parapharmacie
Theanine with Green Tea
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Product Details

Theanine is a unique free-form amino acid found only in the tea plant and in the mushroom Xerocomus badius. L-Theanine is a relaxant that increases alpha-waves, thereby producing mental and physical relaxation and decreases in stress and anxiety without inducing drowsiness. In addition to reducing anxiety, theanine has been shown to: diminish symptoms of PMS, reduce weight, improve learning performance, heighten mental acuity, promote concentration, enhance moods, act antagonistically against the paralysis induced by caffeine, support the immune system, lower blood-pressure, be effective on ADHD, increase formation of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, increase brain dopamine levels with no known downside, fight cancer by reducing tumors, enhance chemotherapy and ameliorating side effects, protect brain tissue in stroke victims and inhibit lipid peroxidation.


One capsule as needed or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Drug interaction:

There have been no found side effects, toxicity or negative drug interactions. In Japan, it can be added without limit to foods. It is popular in drinks, candies and chewing gum.

Each vegetable capsule contains

MEDICINAL INGREDIENTS - Theanine 100 mg - Green Tea Extract 300 mg

Contains not less than 50% polyphenols.