La Parapharmacie
Passion Flower Passiflora incarnataTraditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a sleep aid (in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress).
Passion Flower The flavonoids in passion flower are the primary constituents responsible for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects.
Passion flower Diuretic aid
Passion flower Traditionally used in Herbal Médicine as a sleep aid
Passion Flower Junior Nerve Tonic to treat: nervousness, insomnia, restlessness, agitation and irritability.
Phosphatidylserine For age-related brain changes, such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, senility and depression
Pure Essential Oil Blends - Anxiety Essential oils used topically can provide many therapeutic health benefits
Quercetin 500 mg Relieves allergy and asthma symptoms. Reduces pain from disorders such as arthritis.
R47 R47
Red Chestnut Worried, over-concern, fear
Red Reishi 400 mg For stress, insomnia and energy
Relax LT Relax LT is a synergistic plant combination to naturally soothe calm the nervous system. Is stress controlling your life? This all natural source helps relieve tension and nervous restlessness. In a Herbal Medicine it is also used as a mild sedative.