La Parapharmacie
TPTP For proper glandular function, production of milk, improper thyroid and endocrine functions, weight gain or loss, fatigue and irritability
Transforming GF-y Help with symptoms of inflammation & regeneration.
Transportaise Counter motion sickness (boat , plane, car), altitude sickness , dizziness etc.
Traumacare Cream - 100 g Scientifically proven to relieve pain and swelling, Traumacare is suitable for the entire family and is a true alternative to conventional painkillers.
Tympanol Against catarrh of the Eustachian tube.
Unda #10 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Unda #1000 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Unda #1001 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Unda #1002 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Unda #12 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Unda #13 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Unda #14 Relieves the effects of lung disorders