La Parapharmacie
Systemic Dx Homeopathic remedy - Full spectrum systemic drainage and detoxification
T-roaid Helps to stabilise the thyroid
TA220XS Helps to control smoking desire
Thuja Similiaplex Homeopathic formula.
Thuyaplex Heals warts
Thyro Homeopathic remedy - Thyroid support, adaptogenic and nourishing
Tinniplex Relieves ears aches
Tobaccostop (Tobaccaid) Promotes weaning of smoking with significant addiction.
Tonsillopas For sore throat, tonsillitis, fever.
Tooth-Soothe by Capucin Effectively relieves pain associated with teething.
Top'mod Soir Helps counter cellulite, restructuring the connective tissue in the long term.