La Parapharmacie
Whole Body Cleanse
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Product Details

Whole Body Cleanse contains all you need for a complete detox.

It contains: - Juniperus Similiaplex - Lymphdiaral - Quassia Similiaplex


  • Juniperus Similiaplex:

100g (= 107ml) contains:

Medicinal Ingredients: - Copaiva officinalis 3X - 30 g - Juniperus communis 2X - 10 g - Terebinthina 4X - 10 g - Helleborus niger 3X - 10 g - Berberis 3X - 10 g - Apocynum 1X - 10 g - Petroselinum - 10 g - Sarsaparilla 4X - 10 g

Contains 56% vol. alcohol.

  • Lymphdiaral:

100 g (= 105 ml) contains:

Medicinal ingredients: - Taraxacum - 8.0 g - Calendula - 4.5 g - Arsenicum album 8X - 1.0 g - Chelidonium 8X - 0.5 g - Leptandra - 0.3 g - Echinacea 3X - 0.3 g - Phytolacca 2X - 0.2 g - Carduus marianus 1X - 0.2 g - Condurango 2X - 0.1 g - Hydrastis - 0.1 g - Lycopodium 2X - 0.1 g - Sanguinaria 8X - 0.1 g

Contains 39% vol. alcohol.

  • Quassia Similiaplex:

1 g (44 drops) contains:

Medicinal ingredients: - Quassia amara 1X - 150 mg - Carduus marianus 1X - 150 mg - Taraxacum 3X - 150 mg - Leptandra 3X - 150 mg - Juglans cinerea 3X - 100 mg - Myrica cerifera 3X - 100 mg - Dolichos pruriens 3X - 100 mg - Vipera berus 8X - 100 mg

Contains 55% vol. alcohol.

Suggested Use

Put 25-30 drops of each remedy in a 1-1.5 L of water and sip throughout the day. Ideally the patient should drink at least 2L of water per day. The patient can also start by taking 5-10 drops of each in 1-1.5 L of water, adding an extra drop each day until a dose of 25-30 drops of each per day is reached, if an even gentler approach is desired. It is also possible to take the remedies three times daily, 10 drops of each in a glass of water. The dose should be modified for children.


  • Juniperus Similiaplex: Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to oil of turpentine. Consult a health care practitioiner before use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Lymphdiaral: Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients or excipients of this product or to any plants of the daisy family. In the case of pregnancy and breastfeeding the medicine should only be used after consulting a health care practitioner. In isolated cases, hypersensitivity to the preparation of Echinacea may occur.
  • Quassia Similiaplex: Consult health care practitioner before use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.