La Parapharmacie
White Willow Bark 400 mg
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Product Details

The bark of this tree is known principally because of its properties to relieve pain and reduce fever. In the 19th century, a French chemist extracted the principal active ingredient of the willow and called it salicin. At the end of the century, Felix Hofman, chemist for the Bayer company produced the aspirin or acetylsalicilic acid. Nowadays, the tendency is to go back to the natural remedy to avoid the side effects of aspirin.

The willow’s bark contains glycosides and the most famous and active of them is salicin, which is a monoglycoside of the salicilic acid. The salicilic acid is a soft anti-inflammatory agent, but it converts itself in acetylsalicilic acid in the body; this way we get the most effective action of the “aspirine” but without the gastrointestinal toxicity.

The willow’s bark has the properties of treating fever and inflammation as well as cleaning the blood, and it helps to exchange the nutritive and excretive processes gradually, restoring normal function of the body. It stimulates digestion, eliminates acumulations and helps in heavy digestion.


Each vegetable capsule contains:  

Medicinal Ingredient: White willow bark (Salix alba) 400 mg

Suggested Use

Take three capsules, three times daily or as directed by your health care practitioner.


  • Do not use if you are taking blood thinners or anti-coagulants or herbs or medications containing acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA) or other salicylates. Consult a health care practitioner if you experience gastrointestinal adverse effects. Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not take if you are allergic to acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA) or other salicylates.
  • Discontinue use if allergic symptoms (skin rash, itchiness) occur.


    Medical ingredients