La Parapharmacie
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Product Details

Virafect has been specially formulated to treat upper respiratory infections of a viral nature. 

Playing a leading role in this formula is andrographis, a herb with a long history of medicinal use in the Far East, where it is valued highly as one of the foremost immune-stimulants and infection fighters.

In enhancement and support of andrographis in this impressively effective formula, there are four other expertly chosen herbal ingredients that complement and escalate its antimicrobial benefits, even while adding an extremely useful anti-inflammatory dimension. 


Medicinal Ingredients: Andrographis aerial tops (Andrographis paniculata), Wild Indigo root (Baptisia tinctoria), Echinacea root & tops (Echinacea purpurea), Holy Basil leaf (Ocimum sanctum), Thuja leaf (Thuja oddicentalis). 
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Grain alcohol, Distilled water.  

Our herbs are Certified Organic/Organic/Wildcrafted. 


All the following doses should be taken in a little water on an empty stomach. 
Children 2-4 years: 0.5-1 ml (15-30 drops) 2x per day; 
Children 5-9 years: 1-2 ml (30-60 drops) 2x per day; 
Adolescents 10-14 years: 2-3 ml (60-90 drops) 3x per day; 
Adults and Adolescents > 14 years: 2-4 ml (60-120 drops) 3x per day. 

Duration of Use

Do not exceed 8 days of use. 

Cautions and Warnings

Consult a health practitioner before use: if you have a progressive systemic disease such as tuberculosis, leukosis, collagenosis or multiple sclerosis; if you are taking immunosuppressants; if you are taking other herbs containing thujone (e.g. wormwood and sage).

Hypersensitivity has been known to occur; in which case, discontinue use. 


Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.


Consult a health care practitioner before use if you have an autoimmune disorder, diabetes or a progressive systemic disease such as AIDS and/or HIV infection, tuberculosis, leukosis, collagenosis or multiple sclerosis. Consult a health care practitioner before use if you are taking immunosuppressants, heart or blood pressure or blood-thinning medications. Consult a health care practitioner before use if you are taking other herbs containing thujone (e.g. wormwood, sage, tansy, and juniper). Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen or persist. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or trying to conceive. Do not use if you are allergic to plants of the Asteraceae (daisy) or Acanthaceae family plants. Do not use if you have gastrointestinal irritation or infection. Hypersensitivity (e.g. allergy) has been known to occur; in which case, discontinue use. Discontinue use if rash occurs. Discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if you experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps or diarrhea.


    Medical ingredients