La Parapharmacie
PMS Relief
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Product Details

Pre-menstrual syndrom (PMS) can cause wide fluctuations in hormone levels and for many women this time can be very physically uncomfortable.

Typical symptoms are a combination of emotional, physical, psychological, and mood disturbances that occur after a woman’s ovulation and typically ending with the onset of her menstrual flow. Common emotional symptoms are irritability, depression, crying, oversensitivity, and mood swings with alternating sadness and anger. The common physical symptoms are fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness (mastalgia), acne, and food cravings.

PMS is formulated to balance estrogen and progesterone before menstruation, as well as provide a soothing effect for those common monthly ‘aches and pains’ during menstruation itself. It contains eight well known flavonoid extracts for soothing and effective relief and to support underlying hormone imbalances, detoxify the liver, support the adrenal glands, prevent cramping, and reduce water retention.


Two vegetable capsules contain:

Medicinal Ingredients: - Dong quai (1% ligustilide) 20:1 p.e. 250 mg = 5000 mg - Chaste tree berry (0.5% agnusides, 0.6% aucubin) 25:1 p.e. 250 mg = 6250 mg - Dandelion root (3% flavonoids) 10:1 p.e. 300 mg = 3000 mg - Siberian ginseng (0.8% eleutherosides) 50:1 p.e. 10 mg = 500 mg - Corn silk extract 4:1 p.e. 100 mg = 400 mg - Cramp bark 4:1 p.e. 100 mg = 400 mg - Black cohosh extract 2.5% 12:1 p.e. 40 mg = 480 mg - Red clover extract 8% 70 mg

p.e. powdered extract

Suggested Use

Adult women: Take 1 capsule daily beginning when PMS symptoms appear or as directed by your health-care practitioner.

Duration of use: For periodic use only.


Contains no: Gluten, soy, wheat, eggs, dairy, yeast, citrus, preservatives, artificial flavour or colour, starch, or sugar.

Cautions and warnings: Consult a health-care practitioner prior to use if you have any type of acute infection; if you are taking prescription medication; or if you are taking hormone-containing medications (e.g. progesterone preparations, oral contraceptives, or hormone replacement therapy [HRT]). Consult a health-care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.

Contraindications: Do not take if you are pregnant or breast-feeding; if you have a fever or diarrhea; if you have liver or gall bladder disorders, and/or bowel obstruction; or if you have high blood pressure. Discontinue use if you develop symptoms of liver trouble.

Known adverse reactions: May cause allergy. Discontinue use if signs of sensitivity (e.g. allergy), nausea, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal symptoms occur.

Do not use if seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children.


    Medical ingredients