La Parapharmacie
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Product Details

Each Serving Contains:

Medicinal ingredients: - Proprietary Blend (24.9 mg) of: - Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Shoot Extract (1:20) - Mugo Pine (Pinus mugo) Bud Extract (1:20) - Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) Shoot Extract (1:20)

Other ingredients: Water, ethanol, glycerin.

Recommended Adult Dose:

Take 10 drops once daily, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

Invert bottle and shake lightly allowing for drops to fall directly under the tongue or into 1/4 oz of water. To promote drop flow, invert bottle and shake before each use.


If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, do not use. Refer to product label for further details.

Quality Assurance Tamper-resistant package. Do not use if outer seal is missing or broken. Store in a cool, dry place.

Suggested Use

Meno-gen supports and protects women during their climacteric years. It enhances the functions of the ovarian glands to regulate the secretion of estrogens and progesterones throughout the hormonal fluctuations common during various transitional passages or during delayed secondary sexual development.

This remedy assists in all menopausal imbalances from hot flashes and insomnia, to premature aging and bone degenerative problems such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis due to poor intestinal calcium absorption.


If symptoms persist or worsen, contact your health care practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding do not use, unless directed by your health care practitioner.


    Medical ingredients