La Parapharmacie
Black Cohosh Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual symptoms.
Bulgarian Tribulus Extra A herbal combination to promote healthy sexual function in men.
Complete solution 13 Nirvana (30 ml) + Désir (240 tablets) Supports your libido and fights angainst the menopause and andropause symptoms.
Cordyceps 500 mg 40% polysaccharides Unique and potent therapeutic beta-glucans for energy, stamina, libido, and vigour.
Enerex Satisfaction for Men Enerex Satisfaction for Men is designed to improve sexual desire & performance, reinforce physical strength, capacity & performance.
Enerex Sensational for Women Enerex Sensational for Women combines potent traditional aphrodisiacs with modern nutrition to be dedicated to a delightful love life.
Ginseng rooibos Double Ginseng contains 60% panax, the strongest of ginsengs.Adding to the richness of the blend are flavourful lemongrass and lemon myrtle.
Gotu Kola Certified Organic 500 Mg Stimulates the central nervous system, aids in the elimination of excess fluids, decreases fatigue, and increases sex drive.
HFE For premenstrual syndrome, low libido, ovarian and uterine cysts, and fibrocystic breast conditions
Horny Goat Weed 500 Mg Standardized to 20% icarrin and purported to increase libido by increasing levels of nitric oxide, which relax smooth muscle.
L-Tyrosine 500 mg A precursor of neurotransmitters important in the brain. It also supports sex drive, withdrawal and protects against ultraviolet light.
Libido Support optimal sexual energy by maintaining healthy testosterone levels.