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90 vegetarian capsules


Used in Herbal Medicine as an adaptogen to help increase energy and resistance to stress (e.g. in case of mental and physical fatigue related to stress). Used in Herbal Medicine to help maintain a healthy immune system. A factor in the maintenance of good health. Helps in energy metabolism. Helps in the function of the thyroid gland. Helps to form red blood cells. Helps to maintain healthy skin and/or mucous membranes. Helps to maintain/support healthy metabolism. Helps to maintain/support immune function/the immune system. Helps to maintain/support normal function of the thyroid gland Helps to maintain/support normal iron transport in the body. Helps to maintain/support normal metabolism of iron. Helps to maintain/support the body¿s ability to metabolize nutrients. Helps to prevent iodine deficiency. Helps to prevent selenium deficiency. Helps to produce and repair connective tissue. Helps to provide eyesight/skin/mucous membranes/(and) immune function support. Maintains/supports good health. Source of/Provides (an) antioxidant(s) that help(s) fight/protect (cell) against/reduce (the oxidative effect of/the oxidative damage caused by/cell damage caused by) free radicals. Source of/Provides an antioxidant that helps protect against oxidative stress. (Used in Herbal Medicine to) help(s) to support liver function. Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve digestive disturbances/dyspepsia. (Provides) An antioxidant. Helps to maintain and/or support cardiovascular health. Source of/Provides (an) antioxidant(s) for the maintenance of good health Healthy skin/(and) mucous membranes support Helps to maintain/support normal vision/eyesight/eye health/(and) night vision Milk thistle is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a hepatoprotectant/liver protectant. Helps in energy metabolism/(and) in tissue formation.


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Détails du produit

Soutien les fonctions de la glande thyroïde Fonctions thyroïdienne faible et symptômes associés Soutient un métabolisme sain Prévient la carence en iode Soutient le métabolisme énergétique Augmente l’énergie et la résistance au stress en cas de fatigue mentale et physique liée au stress Soutient la fonction hépatique Hépatoprotecteur/protecteur du foie

Utilisation suggérée

POSOLOGIE : 3 capsules le matin




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