La Parapharmacie
Arginine Improves heart health nitric oxide precursor and protects the heart from high blood sugar levels. Helps in cellular energy production.
Baobab Fruit Powder An Excellent Source of Antioxidant Vitamin C, Potassium and Fiber.
BCAA Enhances muscle recovery and repair post-workout. Helps control blood sugar and insulin. Promotes muscle maintenance even without exercise
BEAUTYsmart with collagen (vanilla) Research shows that Active Collagen reduces the number and depth of deep wrinkles by 20% in 28 days, and improves elasticity and moisture content. Reduce deep wrinkles while getting your daily dose of hormone, antibiotic and pesticide-free whey protein isolate with BEAUTYsmart Whey Protein with Collagen.
BioPure Protein Bioactive Pure Whey Protein with Natural Immunoglobulins
Black Mulberries A source of antioxidants, vitamin C, minerals and fiber.
Black Sesame Seeds A source of calcium, iron and fiber. They also contain protein, Phosphorous, Iron, Magnesium and B Vitamins.
Branched Chain Amino Acids Essential amino acids made for Athletes, endurance enthusiasts and Body Builders or those suffering from chronic wasting disorders.
Brewer's Yeast 650 mg Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Cashew Nuts A source of protein, fiber, beneficial fats as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron.
Cerises noires 750 mg Source d’antioxydants.
Chia Seeds, Dark Whole Conventional A source of Calcium, Iron, Fiber, and vegetarian Omega-3.