La Parapharmacie
Berberis Formula Indicated for candidiasis, yeast, urinary tract and bladder infections, intestinal flu, streptococcus and staphylococcus
Betula pubescens - White Birch (bark) Conceived to provide you with all the attributes and vitality of the plant in concentrated form
Betula pubescens - White Birch (buds) Gemmotherapy; A treatment method created in the 1960's by the Belgian physician, Dr. Pol Henry
Betula sp. (alba & verrucosa) - Birch (buds) Individual mother-macerates - each extract contains all the attributes of a single bud
Betula verrucosa - Silver Birch (buds) Gemmotherapy uses the vitality of buds and young shoots to create highly effective remedies.
Beyond Grape Seed Superior Antioxidant Protection to provide antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.
Beyond Grape Seed Superior Antioxidant Protection  for the maintenance of good health. Helps in reducing the oxidation of the low density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Beyond Greens Comprehensive green Nutrition in One Convenient Formula, promotes optimal nutrition and supports proper digestion and elimination.
Bhringaraj Powder For healthy hair.
Bilberry Used in Herbal Medicine as supportive therapy to help maintain healthy glucose levels.
Bilberry 25% Anthocyanidins Antioxidant that promotes good health.
Bilberry 6000 mg Promote vascular integrity, health of connective tissue, improve function urinary tract and eyes health and provide antioxidant protection.