La Parapharmacie
Shepherd's Purse As a uterine tonic and for menstrual pain, as well as for diarrhea.
Shepherd's Purse (MT) Used as astringent and uterine tonic in excessive menstrual bleeding.
St. John’s Wort Juice Against depression, state anxiety, behavioral disorders. Soothes sleep and muscle pain. Acts on menopause.
Valerian A sleep aid and helps relieve nervousness
Vitamin K2 100 mcg Highly absorbable form of Vitamin K2. Promotes healthy bones and is ideal for osteoporosis concerns. Boosts the immune system.
Wild Yam Used in traditional Western herbalism for the relief of colic and menstrual pain.
Yarrow Relieves the menopause side effects
Yarrow - Flower cut (tube) Used in Western herbalism as a uterine and digestive tonic