La Parapharmacie
Mastica Chios Heal and Protect Your GI Tract From Ulcers. Helps alleviate stomach pain and heartburn associated with functional dyspepsia.
Mega Halibut Liver Oil Promotes healing and helps strengthen the immune system.
MetaKids Baby Probiotic Supports intestinal and gastrointestinal health.
MetClear Formulated to deliver nutritional support for liver detoxification, MetalloClear contains curcumin, andro-graphis, and hops-derived phytonutrients which support the healthy metabolism. of some heavy metals and thus improve general health.
MethylCare Helps reduce homocysteine levels.
Milk Thistle Herbal health formula.
Mint Complete Care Toothpaste This invigorating blend of Neem, Pomegranate and Mint will leave your mouth feeling fresh. With regular brushing, this herbal formulation helps remove plaque, supports healthy-looking gums and freshens your breath.
Mint Whitening Toothpaste This herbal formulation uses a powerful combination of Pineapple and Papaya enzymes to whiten teeth, Mint to freshen breath, and Neem, Pomegranate and Xylitol to support healthy-looking gums.
Molybdenum Rice Chelated 150 mcg A component of three different enzymes, involved in the metabolism of nucleic acids and important interactions to detoxify the liver.
Multi Cal Mag Liquid For the formation of strong teeth and bones, dental procedures, growth spurts, fatigue, nervousness, insomnia and osteoporosis
Multi EFA For cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders, skin health, schizophrenia and premenstrual symptoms
Multigenics Chewable A great-tasting vitamin and mineral supplement, designed specifically for adults who prefer a chewable tablet