La Parapharmacie
Enerex Cholesta Check Cholesta Check's active ingredients work with your body's natural processes to help promote healthy cholesterol levels.
Estro Control Helps to promote healthy estrogen metabolism. A unique and 100% natural new formula (3.0).
Fem Essentials Comprehensive Nutritional Support for Women.
FemGuard+Balance Helps relieve symptoms associated with menopause.
Fitness Mix with wheat seeds Subtle, mildly piquant taste.
Floradix Formula Herbal Extract Iron - Helps to prevent iron deficiency (anemia)and to maintain good health - Assists the formation of red blood cells and their proper functions - Supports tissue formation and normal growth
Gourmet Mix with quinoa sprouts bioSnacky® Mix of quinoa, radish and lentils. The delicate taste of this mix gives a distinctive flavour to soups, salads and many other dishes.
GSF Complex For stress and adrenal exhaustion and premenstrual symptoms
H-S-N Complete Provides building blocks necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails, all being protective components of the body.
Hi Potency compound vitamin B (capsules) Adjuvant synthesizing brain chemicals that affect mood and nerve sensitivity.
Homocysteine Supreme Helps in tissue formation.
Immuno-Multi **Recommended Use:** Immuno Multi™ is a multivitamin/mineral/antioxidant for the maintenance of good health and a source of antioxidants to maintain healthy immune system function.