La Parapharmacie
Neurogen DHA Indicated for all neurovegetative conditions including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's diseases, and schizophrenia
Neurotransmitter Support Aids in the production of neurotransmitters. Supports mood, memory, and cognitive ability. Reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Olea europaea - Olive (young shoots) From wild forest and/or organic crops, stabilized within one hour of harvesting.
Ortho-Mind Supports focus and memory.
Phos Choline A highly absorbable source of phosphatidylcholine, Phos Choline is derived from soy lecithin. Phosphatidylcholine is necessary for healthy liver and brain functions.
Phosphatidylserine For age-related brain changes, such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, senility and depression
PS Phosphatidylsérine 100 mg (GMO and soy free) Contributes to the maintenance of good cognitive health.
PS-100 Organic, cold-pressed phosphatidylserine
PS•IQ Memory (GMO and soy free) Contributes to the maintenance of good cognitive health.
R54 R54
Scleron - 180 caps Indicate for Sclerotic and Memory Loss.
Super Neurogen DHA Formulated to ensure maximum support for brain