La Parapharmacie
Magnelevures Nervous system, cardiovascular system.
Magnesia Phosphorica 6X Magnesia Phosphorica 6X tissue salt helps promote and maintain general muscle health and alleviates cramps associated with menstruation.
Male + Homeopathic remedy - Encourages a healthy male hormonal system
Medulosseinum Plex Medullosseinum Plex is indicated for all musculoskeletal disorders, poorly healing bone fractures, osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets.
Melange Tissue Salt Melange Combination tissue salt helps to maintain general mineral metabolism and good health.
Mén-O-Rose No 1 Helps to counter the symptoms of menopause : hot flashes, delayed menstruation, breast pain before menstruation .
Mén-O-Rose No 2 For symptoms caused by menopause such as fatigue, vaginal dryness, sluggishness, mild insomnia and hot flashes.
Menopax Calms the menopause and andropause effects
Menstruix Tincture Organic Used to relieve painful menstrual cramps.
Mesenchyme Organotherapy homeopathic & preparation / Connective tissue health and regeneration
Migrenopas Homeopathic remedy for headaches and migraines.
Mimulus <span>Keyword: Fear, blushing, stammering, shyness, timid, sensitive, lack of courage<br />Human indication:  Fear of known things.  Such as fear of being alone, fear of spiders, fear of flying or fear of the dark.  Shyness is also a known fear.<br />Animal/pet indication:  For fears: afraid of lightening, visits to the vet. May shake or shiver when confronted. Shy and timid animals.</span>