La Parapharmacie
Bronchial Tea Used in Herbal Medicine to relieve the symptoms associated with bronchitis such as catarrhs, coughs and irritations of the mucous membrane.
Bronkotux capsules Helps to clear bronchial sections.
Bye Bye Cold Tea Bye Bye Cold herbal tea is a comforting blend, perfect for those under the weather days. Enjoy this soothing blend on cold days.
C Herbaplex <br /><ul><li>Plays an essential role in immune system function. </li><li>Helps manage stress. </li><li>Protects the body from damaging effects of free radicals. </li><li>Essential nutrient in the formation of connective tissue, including teeth, gums, cartilage, bones and muscles. </li><li>Prepared in a herbal.</li></ul>
Catnip Help relieve nervousness, digestive spasms and flatulent dyspepsia
Cedar - White (Cedar leaf) Thuja occidentalis
Chanca Piedra Dilates urinary tract vessels. Helps pass gallstones and kidney stones and protects the liver from toxins. Anti-viral.
Chest Rub Used in Aromatherapy to help relieve colds/ cough.
Children's Stodal (Honey) Children’s Stodal Honey relieves both dry and wet coughs in children 1 to 11 years of age.
Children’s Chewable Vitamins For the maintenance of a healthy immune system, and for colds and flus, ear and respiratory tract infections, and inflammations
Children’s Probiotic - 10 billion (67 servings) (powder) Provides live microorganisms that temporarily modify gut flora.
Clove Bud Eugenia caryophyllus