La Parapharmacie
Magnesium Citrate 150 mg Helps to maintain proper muscle function.
Magnesium Citrate 300 mg (tropical flavour) Helps reduce anxiety and stress, improves calcium absorption and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Magnesium Complex Source of magnesium.
Magnesium Oxide 250 mg Help the proper functioning of muscles, development and maintenance of bones and teeth, and in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
MAGsmart Organic Raspberry Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body that is necessary for many organ and tissue functions. Deficiencies have been implicated in cardivascular disease, behavioral problems, diabetes, chronic fgatigue, migraine headaches, muscular complaints, osteoporosis and PMS. Often, we do not get our daily requirement from food. The product may help you fall asleep, lower your blood pressure. It also attemps to support the heart, nervous system and cellular energy. It may relieve twitching and muscle cramps.
MaxMethyl Promotes methylation
Mega Halibut Liver Oil Promotes healing and helps strengthen the immune system.
Micro-gen  It benefits diabetic ulcers with extremity necrosis and other diabetic sequelea such as retinopathines and sensorial disturbances
Motherwort Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a sedative for the relief of nervousness and restlessness and as a heart tonic.
Nattokinase 2000FU Helps to support cardiovascular health.
Niacin No-flush Alternative form of niacin or vitamin B3 that does not cause the typical niacin flush.
No-Flush Niacin Help to prevent heart disease.