La Parapharmacie
Licorice Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve chest complaints and inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Licorice High Grade For healthy adrenal glands, digestive, urinary and intestinal systems; against cough, bronchitis and respiratory secretions .
Ligustrum Vulgare Intestinal problems, bronchitis.
Lobelia Plex Asthma, bronchial asthma.
Lung, Bronchial & Sinus Health For sinus, cough and respiratory tract.
Marshmallow Helps relieve cough, inflammation of the mucous membranes during infection of the upper respiratory tract, peptic ulcer and/ or cystitis
Muco coccinum -10 tablets Muco coccinum is indicated for all types of flus, colds and respiratory ailments.
Mullein Used as an expectorant to help relieve chest complaints such as catarrh, coughs, and bronchitis.
Mullein Respiratory health.
Myco Feron Supreme Blend Calms the nervous system, reduces insomnia. Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
Myrrh Traditionally used in herbal medicine for gingivitis, canker sores, sore throat, and the common cold.
N-Acetyl Cysteine Helps relieve symptoms of chronic bronchitis.