La Parapharmacie
Aromavita 82 Used in aromatherapy as an antimicrobial.
Aromavita 93 Helps to relieve colds and cough and used topically as an antimicrobial.
Aromavita 95 Used in aromatherapy to help relieve fatigue, nervous tension and used as a nervine/calmative.
Aromavita 98 Used in aromatherapy to help relieve the symptoms related to insect bites.
Basil Essential Oil Ocimum basilicum ssp basilicum.
Bergamot Citrus aurantium ssp bergamia
Bergamot Essential oil Citrus bergamia.
BIO-BRONCO Help relieve respiratory disorders
BIO-GAS Aid digestion, relieve digestive disorders, bloating, flatulence, colic and expel intestinal gas
BIO-GRIPPE (Cold/Flu) Help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu such as fever and cough
BIO-HEAD Help relieve headaches, help digestion and relieve flatulent dyspepsia.
BIO-KIDNEYS Help relieve the symptoms of minor ailments of the urinary tract