La Parapharmacie
Flower Complex 8 - Despair Flower Essence Remedy
For Women Tea Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine:to help relieve pain associated with menstruation and help relieve stress.
Gaba Help with symptoms of hypertension and irritability.
GABA Promotes relaxation during times of stress, reduces anxiety, increases growth hormone levels and helps prevent insomnia.
GABA 500 Helps to temporarily promote relaxation
Gammadyn Zn-Cu Thyroid and endocrine dysfunctions.
Gentian Discouraged, depressed
Geranium - Bourbon Pelargonium X asperum
Gorse Hopelessness, despair, pessimism
Green oatstraw - Flowering top cut (tube) It is invigorating and balancing on the nervous system. Strengthens and balances the nervous system.
Gut & Mood Healthy mood Balance
Heather Talkative, demand attention, dislike being alone, lonely