La Parapharmacie
Cleavers Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine: as an alterative for minor skin conditions (i.e. eczema) and/or lymphatic swelling (i.e. tonsillitis); as a diuretic to help relieve painful or difficult urination associated with benign urinary tract infections.
Cleavers Cream Unique combination of cleavers, burdock, celandine and other synergistic ingredients
CO-GEM Fresh buds, certified organic, stabilized at harvest time
Cold-Pro Immune Formula **Recommended Use:**  Cold-Pro Immune Formula™ is a supportive therapy in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. It helps to maintain immune system function and helps to relieve the symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infection.
Collinsonia Formula For hepatic and intestinal troubles such as constipation, headaches, indigestion and weight gain
Coltsfoot - biologic juice Fight against diseases of the upper respiratory tract and chest problems.
Common Sage Provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.
Concentrated Ultra Prostagen To promote proper urinary function and prostate health.
Concentrated Ultra Prostagen Help relieve urologic symptoms associated with mild and moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia
Constipation Offers a natural added-value solution to quickly and effectively relieve occasional or chronic constipation.
Cordyceps Energy support
Cordyceps 500mg Medicinal fungus.