La Parapharmacie
Fagus Sylvatica Sclerotic respiratory conditions.
Fagus sylvatica - Beech (buds) Conceived to provide you with all the attributes and vitality of the plant in concentrated form
FE-GEM Supports women over 50 during the peri and menopausal stage.
Ficus Carica Psychosomatic difficulties, colitis.
Ficus carica - Fig (buds) Individual mother-macerates - each extract contains all the attributes of a single bud.
GINKGOGEM – Complex G8 Contains all the attributes and vitality of the original plant
IM-GEM – Complex G9 From wild forest crops or organic crops, stabilized within one hour of harvesting.
Juglans Regia Skin infections, pancreatic disorders.
Juglans regia - Walnut (buds) Gemmotherapy uses the vitality of buds and young shoots to create highly effective remedies.
Juniperus Communis Hepatic insufficiency, bloating.
Juniperus communis - Juniper (young shoots) Gemmotherapy uses the vitality of buds and young shoots to create highly effective remedies.