La Parapharmacie
Happy Skin Organic / Wild Liver and blood cleaner used for acne, abscesses, eczema, psoriasis, scalp, irritations, rashes, insect bites and most skin eruptions
Hepatol Hepatol facilitates digestion by stimulating bile secretion and flow. For fast and effective relief of digestive discomforts after meals.
Herbal Laxative  Laxative.
HMF Child For irritable bowel syndrome, post antibiotic microflora disruption, diarrhea
HMF Forte For fatigue, allergies, yeast overgrowth, stress, hypercholesterolemia, indigestion, constipation, colds and flus
IBD Relief Multi-Target Relief for Inflammatory Intestinal Disorders
Ibs Urgency 10 Billion Alleviates symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Ichol plus For constipation, gall and kidney stones, blocked bile duct, gout, jaundice, hepatitis, duodenal ulcers, premenstrual syndrome, menopause
Immediate Relief Enzyme Immediate Relief Enzyme (formerly Ultimate Digestive Enzyme) helps reduce gas and bloating.It is especially suited to support starch digestion.
IntesFib Relieves constipation and lowers cholesterol levels in those with high cholesterol. Excellent source of Fibre.
IntesFib - berry flavour Relieves constipation and lowers cholesterol levels in those with high cholesterol. Excellent source of Fibre.
IntesFib - unflavored Relieves constipation and lowers cholesterol levels in those with high cholesterol. Excellent source of Fibre.